Friday, March 09, 2007

Swim mask, fins packed for the trip to Tenacatita

- The swim fins are already in Mexico, thanks to Dustin and Camelia, and a new swim mask, purchased at Scuba World, is already in my bag along with assorted 'must-take-to-Mexico-items' like the latest Jodi Picoult book and several DVD copies of the rockumentary, Admiralty Beach.

The movie at this stage is definitely a rough cut - the director's cut I like to say. But it certainly has wowed the people who have viewed it here in Sacramento. We'll see what the La Manzanillans think.

One part of it uses some Google satellite photos which are remarkable in their clarity.

Here's one that shows the entire Tenacatita Bay.

Tenacatita Bay
Tenacatita Bay

In the next shot, you can see the peninsula with Admiralty Beach stretching to the north. The beach to the south (and east) contains a row of about 10 restaurants, all of which serve food that is soooo good I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. There's also a reef called 'The Aquarium' because there are so many fish of every size and species.

No sharks though, I don't think anyway.

Admiralty Beach (left side of peninsula)
Admiralty Beach - to the left (which is north)

The last shot is a closeup - at least as close as the Google shots go - and shows the large rocks directly in front of the property where we filmed the video.

Admiralty beach up close
Admiralty Beach close up

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