Friday, January 21, 2005

Storms make for great surfing

Surf's up, dudes!_1
Originally uploaded by Brite light photos.
21 January 2005

PARADISE VILLAGE MARINA, NAYARIT, MEXICO -- Some big weather somewhere way offshore has kicked up the surf to near-dangerous proportions. And with a logic that escapes me, the beach authorities have taken down the red danger flag and are handing out boogie boards like candy to 5-year-olds.

The swells are as high as 15 feet out in the bay, which translates to 10-12 foot waves crashing on the beach. Yesterday was the best surfing of the year, though I'm still picking sand out of my teeth from the pounding one wave handed me.

The photo with this entry was taken a week ago, when the waves were about 3-4 feet at their absolute highest. Imagine one that fills the frame entirely,

Rain is also falling all around western Mexico, though not here in Puerto Vallarta just yet. Last year at this time we were caught in a thunderstorm off the coast of Manzanillo that's still fresh in my mind.

Yesterday's surfing made the bee sting feel better, until I got out of the water. The formerly thumb-sized pinky has grown another centimeter or two with a neat-looking purple bruise where the stinger went in. If I didn't have stories to write today, I would take the benadryl and simply sleep until Saturday.

CNN last night was full of Bush inauguration news. What's interesting in Mexico is the CNN feed in the international version --“ quite different from what you see in the U.S. The international CNN feed gives you a glimpse of what the world is thinking out there. Not all pretty by the way, when they make comments about Americans.

Uh-oh...I just heard some thunder booming... Time to get away from the boat (and the 50-foot mast that makes a great lightning rod).



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