Saturday, March 19, 2005

Tabasco's artwork & militant teachers' unions

PARADISE VILLAGE MARINA, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico - The artwork on the sterns of the vessels here in Paradise Village range from the mundane to the exotic. This stern on the huge sailing vessel Tabasco is a good example.

Another boat, California Girl, slipped out of the harbor this morning before I got a chance to get a shot of his artwork which decorates not only the stern, but the sides of the vessel.

On a less happy note, it seems like teachers all over the state of California have had it with the governor and their school boards who won't give them a raise.

In the case of the governor, he's spending millions of dollars to implement what he calls 'merit pay,' a thinly disguised effort to get rid of teachers unions and perhaps end public education as we know it. What does he care? His kids aren't headed to public schools every morning.

The teachers are cranky with their boards because while the boards are pleading poverty (and no money for teacher pay) they are still handing out raises to administrators.

So the teachers are working to contract - doing exactly what their contract calls for. And that doesn't include supervising afterschool clubs and groups, precisely the kind of activity that makes most junior high school and high school days tolerable for the students.

You say you want a revolution? I think it's coming.


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